Testament of Saint Clare (excerpts)

...With what eagerness and fervour of mind and body, therefore, must we keep the commandments of our God and Father, so that, with the help of the Lord, we may return to him an increase of his talent! The Lord himself, indeed, has placed us as a form of example and mirror, not ony for others, but also for our sisters that the Lord will call to our vocation, so that they may also be a mirror and an example for those who live in the world...
In the name of the Lord. Amen.
Among other blessings that we have received and receive daily from our benefactor, the Father of Mercies, and for which we must express the deepest thanks to the glorious Father of Christ, there is our vocation...

...In the Lord Jesus Christ, I admonish and exhort all my sisters, both those present and those to come, to strive always to imitate the way of holy simplicity, humility and poverty and to preserve the integrity of our holy way of living, as we were taught from the beginning of our conversion by Christ and our blessed father Francis...