Praise for all the hours
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,
who is and who was and who is to come.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
Worthy are You, O Lord, our God,
to receive praise, glory and honour,
and benediction.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
The Lamb that was slain is worthy
to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength,
and honour and benediction,
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy Ghost.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
All the works of the Lord, bless you the Lord.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
Give praise to God all you His servants,
and you that fear Him, little and great.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
Let the heavens and the earth praise Him, the Glorious.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
and every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
in the seas and all that are in them.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
- Let us praise and exalt Him above all forever!
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be world without end. Amen.