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Testament of Saint Francis (excerpts)

As a greeting, the Lord revealed to me that we must say:
May the Lord give you his peace!

Francis of Assisi and the leper

The Lord gave to me, Brother Francis, thus to begin to do penance; for when I was in sin it seemed to me very bitter to see lepers. But the Lord himself led me amongst them; I took care of them wholeheartedly; and on my return, that which had seemed so bitter had changed for me into sweetness of mind and body. Then I waited a bit, and I said goodbye to the world...

Francis of Assisi crucifix of San Damiano

After the Lord had given me some brothers, no one showed me what I ought to do, but the Most High himself revealed to me that I should live according to the holy Gospel. And I had a text written in a few simple words, and the Lord Pope approved it for me. And those who came to us to share this life gave to the poor all that they had. We were simple people and put ourselves at everyone's disposal...

Whoever shall do these things, may he be filled in heaven with the blessing of God the Father Almighty and on earth with the blessing of His beloved Son, with that of the most Holy Spirit the Paraclete, and with all the Virtues of heaven and all the saints.


Made by Illustration by Laurent Bidot Translation : Cindy Garitan